Jeeyun Rina Lee

Nothing impressive. Just a personal space for my favorite things.

July 2021 was a month of purging. Started with the closet, then to the overall apartment and eventually lead to digital items. Long story short, this process of purging prompted a need to create a personal space to gather some of my "keeps" in one place.

Honestly, I'm not sure what's to become of this space. For now though, nothing impressive -- just a collection of my favorite things. :)

[Podcasts] General Faves I'd Recommend

[WIP] A collection of episodes from the following podcasts: On Being, Philosophize This!, Bookworm, 99% Invisible, The Curiosity Daily Podcast, How I Built This, The infinite Monkey Cage, Kreative Kontrol, Stuff You Should Know, Your Circle of influence.

Spotify playlist here

[Music] Alternative Hip Hop

What's Alternative Hip Hop? It's a sub-genre of Hip Hop which strays away from the general mainstream perception of Hip Hop. Alternative Hip Hop is basically Hip Hop blended with jazz, blues and soul influences. Also, my fave genre that deserves it's own playlist :)

Spotify playlist here

[Music] Current Faves

A mix of current faves.

Spotify playlist here

[Podcasts] Faith & Theology

A collection of episodes from following Podcasts: BibleProject, Catalyst Podcast, Just Disciple, Pray the Word w/ David Platt, Proverbs 31 Ministries, Renewing Your Mind w/ R.C. Sproul, RZIM: Ask Away Broadcasts, ChurchLeaders, Doctrine & Devotion, Emotionally Health Leader Podcast, The Nurtured Church, Pass the Mic, etc.

Spotify playlist here

Coming Soon (Maybe)